ICT Integration

The potential for ICT integration and enjoyed every moment of this placement including engage with a range of ICTs to transform children’s learning.

Conversation Skills

Saying goodbye is as easy as 1-2-3, once you know how! Learn an easy three-step method for ending any conversation — formal or informal. Never be stuck in a conversation longer than you want. This simple exit strategy works on the phone or in person, in both social and business situations.

Learning Technology Showcase

The Learning Technology Showcase offers you the opportunity to see a wide range of new learning technologies. The Showcase sessions will include well-known eLearning experts and technology providers discussing how these technologies can be included in your learning initiatives and strategies.

Sunday 22 June 2014


A Peek of Our Project…
Fearless, “Borneo, Home of Natural Kindness- is a project which is held by AIESEC University of Tanjungpura, Pontianak. The objective of this project is to create great awareness towards the environmental problem within Pontianak society by doing environmental acts such as implementing 3R movement and effective waste management system implementation through school roadshow, recycling competition, and go green campaign in collaboration with Environmental Ambassadors and municipality of Pontianak City.
Our main target audience aim for students especially in primary school, secondary school, and university because youth can change everything!
We invite the youth from another countries so they know about Pontianak people’s effort to solve the environmental problem and also share the information about how people from another countries solve it with their own way.
We are expecting this exchange of information and knowledge can create the better solution to overcome this problem. Moreover, local people are easily to be influenced by foreigners and FEARLESS can give big positive for sure.

Summer is coming!
Let's join our project 'FEARLESS' :)


How do you feel? Always excellence, right?

AIESEC UNTAN is opening recruitment for anyone to be EP Buddy and Host Family for our first project named "Fearless" that will held from 14th July - 24th August 2014.

As an EP Buddy, you are the closest person of the exchange participant from another country. You will be able to accompany the EP while they are having their project in our city, Pontianak. You and the EP will have a long-term friendship. Fun, isn't it?

As a Host Family, the EP will live at your house while they are having their 6 weeks project in here. You and your family can do great things with the EP.

How to register?
1) Simply click (
online registration for EP Buddy): https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1_zfr9RmNXylf2oumrzw5qKZMT8_d86UOCmlU8CA5ea4/viewform
online registration for Host Family :https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1S97OewMGNKvj6ejER_cRLoooZODbSYUjt_pe4COv4-w/viewform

So wanna have a close friend from another country?
Go register yourself as EP Buddy or Host Family!

CP: Nurjanah 08970436204
Rizka Suhani 089693954784

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